Monday, November 5, 2007

Mobile Bay

Getting to Mobile Bay, there was a dramatic change in scenery. From woods and remoteness, we now were seeing different ships. The sixth picture is of downtown Mobile with the city dock.

This goose was walking next to the dock where our boat was in Mobile.

The boat is a remnant of Hurricane Katrina...the owner said the water in the marina was 21 feet above normal....

After a couple days in Dog River Marina where we tended to laundry, oil change, grocery shopping, catching up on our mail, etc., we headed for Fairhope across the bay. This a pretty town with no high rises, lots of green space, quaint shops, which we explored in the marina courtesy car. The car was something else-sometimes, it would not turn off, another time the ignition just kept turning. But it did run....These pictures are the Mobile skyline as we were crossing the bay and sunset from Fairhope.

Other Mobile Bay sights were the of which jumped really high....of course most of the pictures were of where the dolphins WERE.....
We left Mobile Bay on November 5 and the scenery was now homes, beaches, marinas.....Just east of Mobile Bay is Lulu's Restaurant which is now said to be more upscale since moving to this new location. Lulu is Jimmy Buffett's sister.