Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Big Chute to Port Severn

Leaving Big Chute, we'll go into the Small Chute canal. We know it's here somewhere....hmmm.

This is another one of those narrow canals---rocky on both sides. Wouldn't want to meet anyone here.

These signs are posted at the entrances to these canals. I'll be glad when we're through with this Trent Severn Waterway !

But, they are pretty.....

This cottage has its resident moose.
There are many, many cottages along the way. They don't have much lawn though in this rocky landscape !

After spending the night on the wall at the Port Severn lock, we are lined up bright and early to go through. Here we are, down in the lock---our last one for the trip--# 102!

Next posting will be on Georgian Bay. Everyone says the scenery is stunning. It has been so pretty to this point, I can't imagine that it could be better.