Friday, July 18, 2008

Bobcaygeon to Orillia

After spending one day/night on the wall in Bobcaygeon and watching the newly rented houseboats maneuver, we decided to move up a couple of locks ! There were many of these and it was interesting to watch them. No pictures--we were too busy making sure they didn't hit us ! Anyway, we did get to visit John and Gail a couple of times when we were here and at the next stop. For them it was a 20 minute drive to the next lock--for us, 2 1/2 hours !

From Balsam Lake, we entered this canal. The canals are between 30 and 50 feet wide---not much room if you meet another boat in some places. For much of the time, we were alone. Later a cruiser did catch up to us but we didn't meet anyone in these narrow places !

I put this picture in to show the sheets of granite on each side of the canal!

Next, we had to go through the Kirkfield Lift lock. Same principle as the Peterborough but only 49 feet---but now we were going down. Additionally, this lock didn't feel like it had much of a gate at the front. I had the boat in neutral or reverse most of the way in !!!

Bob at the front of the boat when we were at the top !

Another view from the top.

A view from the back where we came from...

Bob is talking to our lock partner... on the way down.

Here we're nearing the bottom...

Here you can see our lock partner leaving the lock. I'm glad that one is over....Although, the rides up and down on these lift locks are smoother than the regular locks.

We pass through farm country during these last sets of locks before we get to Lake Simcoe.

The bridge tender opened up the bridge just before Lake Simcoe. Now we have about 15 miles of fairly calm sea before we get to Orillia. It will be nice to stay at a marina with electric, showers, etc.